How to determine the rotation of the eye? Here we will provide a video as a r...
How do you feel the vibration of your eyes? We must refer to the video screen...
How to determine the eyelid?Here we will provide a video as a reference.
How is the pecten oculi formed?
To understand the color of the pec...
How is the background color of the pecten oculi formed?
The color ...
What is the function of the crystalline lens fluid?
Optical tissue that...
What is a shadow? Where is the specific location?
The shadow we are tal...
What is the location and shape of the distance line?
The distance line ...
Where is the speed line? Why is it called the speed line, what does it repres...
What is the function and significance of pupil?
Light passes through th...
Where is the inner buckle line? What is its essence? What is the function?
What is the position and function of the adaptation circle?
The adaptat...